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Virtual Herb WalkJune 6, 2013

Taraxacum commonly known as Dandelion

Hi Im Bella Cloude and I’d like to take you on a virtual herb walk through the wilderness of the southern Colorado Rockies. Let the school of nature speak to your heart and the plant spirits aid you on your healing path like they did me through swamp and thicket and high mountains. Hiking and harvesting—my favorite experience of Mother Earth.

You don’t need to be in the Colorado mountains to experience the plant devas—like any other devas they like to be recognized and capture your attention. They sometimes appear in your own backyard!

The Dandelion flower is about to appear this spring and has many things to teach us. One of the first flowers to appear in the spring—it lives in all parts of the globe. A weed that cannot be wiped out by pesticides—that is the kind of stamina we need to survive the climate extremes era! The color yellow of the dandelion flower resonates with the third chakra—the power center where your energy and stamina is created.

Dandelion root has inulin, a starch that does not need to be converted into sugar, so it tonifies and increases the flow through the pancreas. The root releases vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant, from the place where it is stored in the liver bringing our energy level to where it should be.

Another option besides drinking Geronimo tea alone is to add it to your coffee or put it into your favorite baking recipes so you are reaping the benefits of dandelion.