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Our Herbaculture Internship Program will make a return Spring 2024. We invite all herbal enthusiasts to join us in the picturesque landscapes of the Colorado Rockies. The internship program provides immersive experience in the cultivation and harvesting of plants that are naturalized or indigenous.  Our hand harvesting is conscientious- leave enough plant material to repopulate- in dry years take less.

Active participants will acquire invaluable skills in salve and liniment making. Herb walks and talks are opportunities to hand harvest the herbs used in both.  You will learn to tincture hand-picked herbs in honey, alcohol or vinegar.  Some medicinals will be dried and sifted and blended for teas which are customized for various body systems.

Our internship program has relocated to the vibrant cities of Boulder and Thorton but there will be a few designated herb walks in the Wahatoya Valley in Southern Colorado.

For further updates and information, be sure to follow us on Instagram @MountainSpiritHerb and YouTube @HerbalMamma. Should you have any inquiries about the program, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at