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Oral Defense Tincture


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Oral Defense tincture has proven to be a powerful daily mouth wash- known to heal absesses and gum disease and even prevent root canal. With food grade hydrogen peroxide, pinon pitch, and osha, all extremely antiseptic antibacterial, and anti-fungal this tincture can be mixed with baking soda as a paste, used in a waterpik or applied with a toothbrush directly to the gums. Clove and Tea tree oil in this formula numbs the gums and has been helpful in toothaches. Oral defense mixed with baking soda also can be used to control the bacteria that causes stomach acid and upset.

Directions: Used in a waterpik or applied with a toothbrush directly to the gums or in accordance with your health care providers advice.

Ingredients: pinon sap, osha, sage, cinquefoil, clove oil, oregano, clove, tea tree oil, and hydrogen peroxide (food grade). In base of 80% grain alcohol.