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About Mountain spirit herbs



Mountain Spirit Herb’s vision originated in the 60’s when the desire to live simply and cooperatively with Nature was fostered by the teachings of the first nation indigenous people—every blade of grass has a purpose including the “weeds” like dandelion that even poisons can’t permanently kill. Often the wild edibles contain more nutrition in a single helping than many of their domestic counterparts. Now -in this age of climate extremes and environmental crisis – the vision finds new relevance. Sustainable lifestyle includes a pharmacy created directly from the earth and its hardy native and naturalized medicinal plants. We offer that to you in the Mountain Spirit Herb blends that have helped soothe and heal many body processes in the past decades as many of you have testified to.



Bella Cloude founded Mountain Spirit Herb out of a commitment to the earth and the abundant healing our mother planet offers. Connecting to the plant world in all its many variations is vastly different from synthesizing medicine in a laboratory. Many of these indigenous or adaptable medicine plants grow in disturbed and undisturbed places- backyards, sidewalks, and high mountain meadows. Walking thru a field of red clover blossoms-passed the flowering fragrant wild rose petals- we appreciate the beauty as the earth calls out to bring in her harvest. Careful wild-crafting takes only a fraction of what’s offered and leaves the rest to reseed for future generations. Harvesting is a labor of love. Our reward is medicine.

About Bella Cloude Founder

Founder Bella Cloude was originally taught by the Taos Pueblo Indians to respect the power of wild medicine allies like the sagebrush which grows all over the southwest and is used as a “smudge” to clear negative energy and unwanted ecology out of our bodies and our space. For over 35 years she has roamed the high altitude of Southern Colorado’s Valley of the Orphans- with three national wilderness areas ranging up to 14,000 feet. In search of the native medicinals- she let the School of Nature speak to her heart and teach her intuitively the practical uses of the medicine cabinet she harvests.


Based on the truth of the medicine wheel that the plants around you are your allies in healing, she has created teas and tinctures out of indigenous plants with the purpose of strengthening the body systems they assist. By using these plants to heal ourselves we deepen our connection with the earth.