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Breathe Free




Breathe Free Tea was created to relieve sinus congestion caused by colds and allergies. Use with Sinus Defense Tincture for faster results. This blend is made from indigenous high pollen plants like wild sage, sunflowers and clovers harvested in the purity of the southwest mountains. These antiseptic desert plants are effective in drying mucous membranes and eliminating unhealthy ecology that grow in the sinus cavities. With the addition of comfrey this tea soothes irritation in the lungs throat and chest.

Directions: There are 10 tea bags and each tea bag makes 2 cups. Breathe Free can be used as a nasal irrigation in a spray or neti pot also as a facial steam in boiling water with a drop of eucalyptus or peppermint oil. At first signs of sinus congestion or during allergy season drink 2 cups daily with or without local honey.

Ingredients: alfalfa, sunflowers, chamisa, artemesia, yellow clover, willow bark, comfrey, and osha root