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Water Balancer Tincture




Water Balancer tincture. A blood cleanser for the tissues regulating lower lymph fluids through the kidneys, bladder, groin, and reproductive organs. It is also used to reduce arthritic inflammation and acid deposits in the joints. Along with its complement Flowing Waters tea, this tincture has a diuretic effect and is high in potassium unlike pharmaceutical diuretics. Water Balancer has been known to treat problems associated with prostate, PMS and periods, acne and elimination through the skin, edema or water retention, and substance abuse detox.

Use with Flowing Waters tea for faster results. Alternate with Adrenal Balancer tincture for trauma to the muscle tissue or joints. Alternate with Detox Vinegar tincture for arthritic symptoms.

Suggested Directions for Use: Take 2 droppers in water daily or in accordance with your health care providers advice.

Ingredients: Horsetail, Nettles, Dandelion Leaf, Cleavers, Usnea, and Uva Ursi. In base of 80% grain alcohol.